These herbs are sacred in both Eastern and Western cultures. These are… the Herbs of the Dead.
Valerian: It was also called the Graveyard dust. This herb have always been famous for its ability to calm one down and even help him/her sleep like the Dead.
Cypress: This magnificent tree is usually growing in Cemeteries and Necropolises. Hermes the Messenger of the Gods and the one who aids Spirits to cross the Worlds was believed to bless this tree to honour his beloved Kyparissos.
Mullein: A valuable ingredient for Samhain rituals and Ceremonies for the Dead. Was used to “cleanse” the dead body and prepare it for some holy and divine. (Toxic)
Mint: This fragrant herb has many magical qualities (amongst them is erotic!!!) but it can also be used to heal our wounds after a tragic lost.
Wormwood: A very potent herb to help us heal our wounds but…